BIG office d.o.o. is a company established in 2021. The goal of our business activities is to help solve your business challenges.
We support our clients in choosing how to finance projects, defining goals and priorities and growing their companies. We support IT companies in the implementation of ERP systems with their clients.
Our rich experience in controlling, finance, accounting, bookkeeping, independent business and successful company management is a guarantee of successful cooperation and our greatest advantage over the competition.
You have at your service our employees who are continuously improving their skills in the field of their activities and improving their competencies.
For the second year in a row, we are participating in the “Mentoring among women” project, as a part of which we mentor and share knowledge and advice with women who are making their first steps in their careers. You can read more about the project at the following links:
Not everything goes smoothly in a career, but that’s why you need to “fight” and solve problems
Women need to be ambitious, brave and not limit themselves out of fear