In this time of preparation for the Easter holiday, in the grip of all plans and projects, it is difficult to concentrate on the necessary departure from everyday life and thinking about the importance of our growth, personal, business, spiritual.
I’ll leave it as for calmer times, I always think, and they rarely come.
All of us humans have a need for transformation, it is primordial no matter what religion we belong to or we have opted for the path of agnostics.
There is no transformation without a change in the current situation, and that means effort and pressure.
After the Passover in Jerusalem, Jesus went to pray in a garden called Gethsemane, which in Hebrew means “olive press” – gat shemen (גת שמן).
Therefore, I dare to conclude – any state of workload with a lot of work, “due date” pressure and agile races – if it essentially serves for the primordial good quality transformation of ourselves, projects, companies, society – it is actually a good way to prepare for Easter.
Rejoice in a good project “oil” as you go through the “presses” and have a happy Easter.